Friday, March 13, 2009


as i am writing this morning i can not quit thinking about the term, "economic stimulus". do you find it a bit scary that in this time of huge deficit, the way out is to spend more money. more of yours and mine. so they want to spend more in bailouts (from where?) but give me a tax credit so that i can spend more - how does that work? you have people who need to pay off debt but they want you to do more shopping. i understand the ripple effect of business layoffs, shutdowns, followed by home foreclosures and dwindling city tax bases thereby causing less services and more layoffs and.... i get the picture. but why do i/we have to bail out companies that made bad loans or decisions? i don't want anyone to lose their home, but we need a reality check here before going forward and one of those might include smacking the crap out of some of these fat cats who have made these bad decisions and get to keep their jobs and bonuses and pensions while others lose everything. john boy and billy, have a nice day.

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