Friday, January 23, 2009


the tv show "lost" began its fifth season on abc network last night. it is a maze to navigate as they swap places in time. the "oceanic six" are needed to return to "fantasy island" to save the others. it can be very confusing as john is in one scene under the plane in the trees and above it in another scene depicted as years later. this whole lost thing has been a part of my life even after fully committing my life to Christ over five years ago. i find myself lost in the question, what does God want me to do with my life? in that i miss the simple answer, love God and love one another. but how do i do that? how do i love this God that i do not physically see, hear or touch? i guess that is where faith takes over. i have the faith that He is always there no matter where i am. i have confidence that He will give me the directions when i am lost for in Him i am found. it may not be directions that i understand but if i keep asking, seeking, knocking on His door, He always answers. that trust in Him keeps me from the fear of being lost no matter the darkness that surrounds me.
but how do i love others? people that i do physically see, hear and touch? how do i love the unlovable? i guess it is that matthew 7:7 thing again, ask, seek. knock. if i continually take it to Him, He will show me how. forgiveness is a big part of this. forgiving myself and forgiving others. letting go of what i want and reaching out, grabbing a hold, and hanging on to what He wants. no easy deal, but who said life would be easy?

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