it was not much but it was snow! barely a dusting but it was something that i enjoy watching and i even went for a walk in it this morning. i think snowflakes remind me of God - the white of purity and just as we are, no two snowflakes are alike. one of my most vivid memories is from the winter of '69-'70 while i was in military school on monteagle mountain in tennessee - i was awol from school in the middle of a heavy snowfall out in a field. the snow was coming down in large flakes, the field was covered and there was only the tinkling sound of the falling flakes - no other sound. it was a God moment and even though i did not realize it then, i have always remembered those moments. we are all like snowflakes - individuals with a common link and that is God. it is God who has created us and He should be our purpose. instead of saying "God bless america" let our cry be "america, bless God"! when will we sing a new song? - yep, p.o.d.
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